What is Working Class Acupuncture?
WCA is a 501c3 nonprofit acupuncture clinic with four locations in Portland, Oregon, and an acupuncture school attached called POCA Tech. We provide low-cost acupuncture to the community through a cooperative, grassroots, financially self-sustaining model. Our mission is to offer people as much acupuncture as they want, in support of whatever goals they have, so that they can use it in whatever way works best for them. Our vision is for acupuncture to be easily accessible to the people who need it most.
We’re working on creating more strategic partnerships with other organizations, and we’re here to share our process! (Big thanks to Camille Trummer.) We’re also working on a 5NP law for Oregon, as part of a coalition led by the NAYA Action Fund.
For more information, please visit WCA’s partnerships page.
Okay, but who’s actually writing this?
Hi! I’m Lisa Rohleder, licensed acupuncturist. In 2002 I founded the clinic that would become WCA, piloted what’s now called the community acupuncture model, and I’ve been narrating for WCA ever since.
Who is this Substack for?
A lot of people, I hope, including but not limited to:
People who think community acupuncture in general and WCA in particular are cool ideas and want to know more about our next phase of growth, or might want to partner with us;
People who practice community acupuncture or use 5NP;
Other acupuncturists, acupuncture students, and prospective students;
People who get acupuncture at WCA, volunteer for us, or work for us, plus students at POCA Tech, our acupuncture school (just trying to keep everyone in the loop!);
and in general, anyone who would like to create more access to community acupuncture for more people by imagining new possibilities through partnerships.
Why subscribe?
WCA only exists because of community support, and by subscribing to this newsletter, you’re helping us grow our community!
We’ve only just started focusing on building more partnerships with other organizations, and already it feels like there’s a lot of energy around this. Everybody who works at WCA and POCA Tech, our acupuncture school, wears a lot of hats and so having one central place where we can keep people up to date about what’s happening makes our lives easier. Please subscribe and help us keep you in the loop about how we’re growing and what it means!
WCA and POCA Tech both run on shoestring budgets. We appreciate support in all forms, including paid subscriptions! You can also make a one time or recurring donation here or here.