I think folks might like reading "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic" by Bruce E. Levine, PhD. He talks about what a good provider brings to the table as far as "healing." Anyway, it sounded a lot like what Lisa Rohleder has been writing about.

I don't believe school is the place for transformation. Practicing in the real world and working with folks is the place for transformation. Recently, I am realizing as a provider and small business person that I suck at small business. I am trying, but I really suck at it. I have just realized how much my client load has shrunk. It made me think of something Lisa wrote about in one of her books, caring about individuals, but not worrying about the coming and going of individuals in a practice. It helped calm me down.

Anyway, the place for transformation isn't school. School is for training and gaining experience. It is what I appreciated when I was doing clinicals for school. I realized when I was done and out in the real world that I knew what to do and how to do it. I had confidence in my abilities. I believe that is what a school can and should provide.

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The question of "what can and should an acupuncture school provide" needs so much more attention than it's gotten. What we really want at POCA Tech is for our graduates to feel confidence in their abilities -- not that they know everything, but that they know where *to start* with most patients they see.

And thank you for the book recommendation, I will check that out. Do you want to say more about why you feel like you suck at small business? I think a lot of people feel that way and it would be worth unpacking some more.

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I love the metaphor of the glacial grind. That pretty much sums up life. It reminds me of the Everything is Alive episode - Chioke, Grain of Sand.

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It often seems that the most "transformative' experiences are the ones we reflexively and even vehemently resist. How do you market that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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